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Keyword: skin cancer

Phoenix ranks as 4th worst city in world for skin …

As if we aren’t already staying indoors to escape the heat, here’s another reason to keep out of the sun: A new analysis ranks Phoenix as the worst city in the country for skin health and fourth-worst in the world.

Skin cancer a greater risk in Arizona

Errol Turner thought he was going to have an uneventful trip when he went to Colorado to visit his aunt  and uncle over summer vacation. A few weeks later, Turner, then 15, landed himself …

Melanoma cases are spiking in Arizona, and because of …

The Valley famously has one of the most sun-kissed climates in the world. Residents make their peace with extreme summertime heat by appreciating a flip side all too rare in other parts of the country — year-round opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, especially during milder months.